
Bully, Bullied, Bystander

Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories   [DEAR BULLY] [Paperback]

I am not even sure how to open this topic. It is a Pandora's box full of fear, self-loathing, hate, embarrassment, shame, and buried memories, all wrapped up in one word: BULLY. My book club is reading a book called Dear Bully where seventy authors write of their experiences of being bullied, being the bully, or being the bystander. It really makes my heart ache. I think everyone should read it. 

Perhaps the only thing worse for me than any personal memories is watching my kids create their own. Recently I've left a group of homeschoolers that I have known for at least six years. Many of them are among my closest friends and I am sure I will continue to see them but in a more limited way. Others I may never see again except through Facebook. I had a lot to lose by walking away but it was a choice I made to keep my daughter from being the target of bullying.